CCF WA is engaging with Main Roads through the BORR Local Business Advisory Group in conjunction with the South West Development Commission.
The State Government recently announced the two consortia that have been shortlisted
- The Forrest Alliance (comprising CPB Contractors, Carey MC, Densford Civil, GHD and BG&E)
- Southwest Connex (comprising Acciona, NRW Contracting, MACA Civil, AECOM and Aurecon)
Main Roads and Transport Minister Rita Saffioti has stated that maximising local business procurement is a key objective for the BORR project. Through the Advisory Group, CCF’s role is to represent the local industry’s view on how that can be achieved.
Our advocacy includes
- Targets for local procurement - an overall target (by value) including specific targets for: local road works contractors; local specialist subcontractors; and local specialist materials suppliers
- Discrete packages of work - CCF WA believes discrete packages (e.g. local road connections) will most effectively provide opportunities for local prequalified contractors, and local contractors with road-building capability.
- Service relocation works - CCF WA has written to Water Corporation and Western Power recommending local business procurement as a key objective for BORR-related relocation/enabling works.
Lodge your Expression of Interest for BORR opportunities
The South West Development Commission is asking local businesses to register their interest in BORR opportunities via a brief online form -- click here to register
Local Capability Fund grants
The State Government has announced a new Local Capability Fund round to encourage and support South West businesses to tender for work on BORR. Small to medium businesses in the South West can apply for up to $20,000 to help them tender for work on the project.
Grants can be used to meet essential prequalification requirements for supply-chain entry, buy and upgrade essential equipment and engage consultants for a range of expertise. If you’re considering an HSEQ management system, CCF’s Civil Contractor Management System is highly regarded and recognised by Main Roads.